I have carefully thought about my character of Melusina, how I want to potray her and characteristics she will have. Using the seven historical woman that I admire I have finally created her.
She will have be equal to any man in the court, physically and mentally, with "the light of Joan of Ark and the darkness of Lady MacBeth". She is skillful in using her magic. I liked the idea that "the dark or black magic", as it would have been thought of at that peorid in history, should have a knock on effect on her.
Political active in her husband's council, giving her advice on what should be done. She will be his closer adviser. His companion both sexually and in friendship. A ruler of men's heart. She is very beautiful with curly hazel hair and blue eyes; very desirable.
Her witts are around her at all times; knowing who are her friends and who are her enemies. Her wittyness makes her popular with many of the coutiers at the court of her husband. She is a doting wife and a loving mother to her children, that she loves more than her life. Her courage and bravery is her strength; she has
"a heart of worth a lot more than any gold of Rome."
She is loving, kind, dependable and sincere; she chooses normal, poor woman (along with her sisters) to be her ladies in waiting. She cares for others less fortunate than herself; helping a young boy who was caught stealing to feed his poor family and sentenced to death by persuading the lords of juries to let him go, showing off her political and persuation skills.
She is very intelligent but are weaknesses are proudness, quick-temper, stubborness, ambitous and haughty. These characteristics help her to make very powerfull enemies.
Her story is a tragic one; full of mystery, witchcraft, loyality, heartbreak and surival.
I have decided on two actress who could play Melusina very well; Eva Green (
The Dreamers (2003),
Cracks (2009)). But I have choosen Natalie Dormer (
The Tudors (2007 -2008). Natalie is not greatly well known in the film industry but I think she could play the part at extremley well, bring the character of Melusina alive.