Thursday, 1 December 2011

The Character of Melusine

Melusine is a very complex character from what I have learnt so far. I know some women from history and stories that I would like to incorparate in her "creation".

Morgan Pendragon or Le Fay
Morgan is a character in the legend of king Arthur, a welsh myth. She is a fay (witch). She is potrayed in film and tv series. E.G. Exalibur (1981), Merlin (2007+) and Camelot (2011).

"She finds herself equal to any man. She defiently has balls.....He is not the white knight. She is not the wicked queen..... She has the light of Joan of Ark and the darkness of Lady MacBeth." - Eva Green who plays Morgan in Camelot.

Eleanor of Aquaitine 
Eleanor was a real woman. She was duchess of Aquaitine in her own right after the death of her father at 15, making her one of the most wealthiest and powerful women in all Europe. She was queen of France as consort to  Louis VII and then queen of England as consort to Henry II. She was mother to both Richard I and John.
She was a extrodinary woman. She led her men on a crusade. Had affairs with men including her own uncle, her future father-in-law and Henry Plantagant. She was potrayed in The Lion in Winter (1968), Beckett (1964) etc.
Elizabeth is one of Melusina's descendants through her mother. In 1464, she became queen consort to Edward IV. She was reguarly accused of being a witch like her mother and for bewitching the king into marrying her.
Like Eleanor she is a facinating historical character. She had to deal with deaths of her family and the changes in her houses fortunes, which I believe she did very good. Playing a man's game for the sake of her sons' and daughters' surival and inheritance.

Jacquetta of Luxembourg
Jacquetta is the mother of Elizabeth, which makes her also a descendant of Melusina. She is also a extrodinary woman with courage that I can't imagine a woman at that time to have. She was left a widow at 17 and married a man of her household, Richard Woodville, for love ( it was considered 'sick' to marry for love in that era).
Jacquetta proved her loyalities to house and family while trying to surive to war that was happening around her, until her daughter fall in love and marry Edward IV.
Her story is filled with mystery, witchcraft, loyality, murder, heartbreak and the need to stay alive.

Elizabeth of York
Elizabeth was the daughter, sister, neice and wife to four English kings during her lifetime. She was the first born child and daughter of Edward IV and his queen Elizabeth, sister to Edward V (he was never actually crowned), neice to Richard III and wife to Henry VII.
Like her mother and grandmother she is also Melusina's descandant.
She grew up during The Cousins' War, a time of fear and rivalary between cousins.
After the death of her father, her brothers were taken to the tower of London for their safety until her brother's coronation. But they were never seen again. Rumours spread that their uncle Richard killed them to take the thrown for himself. It must have been a really terrible time for her being stuck in santuary for almost a year. She must have shown great courage and bravery.
After the battle of Bosworth in 1485, she married Henry Tudor who became king. She bore him 8 children including Prince Arthur, Henry (VII), Margaret (queen of Scotland) and Mary (queen of France), only Henry, Margaret and Mary surived to adulthood. Elizabeth died on the 11th January 1502 after giving birth to a girl named Katherine who died a few days after.

Anne Boleyn
Anne Boleyn was the queen consort of Henry VIII, king of England and France. She was marquess of Pembroke in her own right. Henry's marriage to Anne, and her subsequent execution, made her a key figure in the political and religious upheaval that was the start of the English Reformation.
The character of Anne Boleyn can be described as witty, intelligent, proud, brave, quick-tempered, stubborn, ambitious and haughty.
In 1525, king Henry's attention was drawn towards Anne. Anne was not in love with King Henry VIII.  Anne had no intention of making the same mistake as her sister. Anne was adamant that she would only give herself to the King if they were married. King Henry VIII courted Anne for six years, but Anne refused to sleep with him.
The hatred and jealousy of the Boleyn family and Queen Anne Boleyn in particular increased. The English people hated Anne Boleyn ( Nan Bullen ) and she was called "Witch" and the "Whore". The loyalty of the English people was still with the discarded Queen Catharine of Aragon.

Mary Boleyn
Mary was Anne Boleyn's sister. Mary was one of the mistresses of Henry VIII. It has been alleged that she bore two of the King's children, though Henry did not acknowledge either of them as he did with Henry Fitzroy, his son by Bessie Blount. Mary was also rumoured to have been a mistress of Henry VIII's rival, King Francis I of France. The Other Boleyn Girl by Philippa Gregory is told through her eyes during her relationship with the king to the beheading of her sister. She was Beautiful, loving, kind, dependable and sincere.

The Beheading of Anne Boleyn took place on May 19th 1536. Her daughter, Elizabeth, became Elizabeth I of England after the death of her sister Mary in 1558.
"For six years, this year, and this, and this, and this, I did not love him. And then I did. Then I was his. I can count the days I was his in hundreds.The days we bedded. Married. Were Happy. Bore Elizabeth. Hated. Lusted. Bore a dead child... which condemned me... to death. In all one thousand days. Just a thousand. strange. And of those thousand, one when we were both in love, only one, when our loves met and overlapped and were both mine and his. And when I no longer hated him, he began to hate me. Except for that one day." and  "Elizabeth shall be a greater queen than any king of yours. She shall rule a greater England than you could ever have built. My Elizabeth shall be queen, and my blood will have been well spent."
Genevieve Bujold as Anne in Anne of the Thousand Days (1969)

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